San Diego Computer Repair

Free Diagnostic and Estimate

No Help - No Charge!

(760) 576-4220

If you find a better deal

elsewhere, we'll
try to match
or beat it.

Our Services

Digital Language Corporation • (760) 576-4220 •

When you have a flat tire, you call AAA. When you have a computer problem, you call DLC.

Anybody who has ever called Microsoft, Apple, etc. and has paid between $38.00, $50.00, and $125.00 per call, per incident, plus the cost of the long distance, or a computer technician $100-$150 per hour +, knows the flat rate of $25 per problem is an amazing deal.



Operating Systems

* Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and more
* Anti Virus and other great utilities
* Browsers, e-mail programs,
* Home office Quicken and Quick Books
* Hundreds of software titles supported
* Machine Aided Translation
* Russian-English, French, German
* Installation, configuration and system set-up
* Tutorial assistance to bring you up to speed
* Navigational assistance for online services
* Problem identification and resolution
* Desktop PC's, Laptops and Macs
* Printers, Scanners and Modems
* Video and Sound Cards
* USB devices
* CD/DVD writers
* Home Networks, Hubs, Network Cards,   Wireless Routers



* Windows 95, A, B

* Windows 98, 98SE

* Windows ME

* Windows 2000 PRO

* Windows XP Pro and Home

* Vista
* Windows 7
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